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Sales price 159,00 CHF
Select rental Pickup Date
Choose rental dates
Pickup date:
Return date:
Max rental period: 14 days
Days total: 0
First and last days are billable
0 days rental
0 days billable
Rental pricing
Days Price per period
0 - 1 9,00 CHF
1 - 2 16,00 CHF
2 - 3 22,00 CHF
3 - 4 27,00 CHF
4 - 5 32,00 CHF
5 - 6 38,00 CHF
6 - 7 43,00 CHF
7 - 8 48,00 CHF
8 - 9 53,00 CHF
9 - 10 58,00 CHF
10 - 11 62,00 CHF
11 - 12 67,00 CHF
12 - 13 72,00 CHF
13 - 14 77,00 CHF
Rent total:
0,00 CHF


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